Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Buying a new car: What are EU cars?

With the removal of borders within Europe, many trade restrictions have also fallen. EU citizens have the opportunity to buy goods in other EU member states. This also applies to new cars. Basically, you can buy your car anywhere in the European Union - and save money.
Automakers always build their new cars for all markets. Neither Audi, VW, Skoda, Nissan nor Opel, Ford, BMW or Kia make an exception. However, major differences are mostly to be found with regard to the equipment features. In different countries, a new car can be completely different. While in Scandinavia, for example, special winter equipment is part of the standard, EU cars from southern countries are not allowed to operate without air conditioning.
Safety features for "EU-made cars"
The security features may differ, so you need to research thoroughly. Be clear about what features are important to you and what you do not want to do without.
Such EU cars usually have the distinct advantage that they are much cheaper. Only the cost of buying a car can be higher. Often there are offers that make a price difference of around 40 percent possible. The reason: Abroad, the new cars are taxed higher than in Germany. Scandinavia leads the market - the tax is sometimes up to 180 percent. So that the population can still afford a new car, the net selling prices are comparatively cheap.
You always buy EU cars directly from the car dealer abroad. Regardless of whether you import yourself or switch on a German agent. Thus you must note that in case of doubt also the foreign legal system applies.
Why are EU cars cheaper?
The bill, which is why EU cars are generally cheaper, is easy. Under EU law, taxes must always be paid where the new car is registered and driven. In Germany, a VAT of 19 percent is added to the favorable net sales price. If you opt for a Danish new EU car, you save on the fact that you only have to calculate with the low sales price. The VAT of 25 percent and the registration tax you do not have to pay in this case. Only the 19 percent VAT in Germany is added, resulting in savings. But you should always check in advance

Buying a car: How does a reimport work?

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